Picture-Designer - Documents


Before you deal with the download and installation of the Picture-Designer, we recommend you to have a look in the document "Installationsanleitung.pdf". Here is the process of installation with a few screenshots described.

Once you are done with the installation, you should familiarize yourself with the manual  ("Handbuch.pdf"). For experienced EDP users, we have also created a quick-start guide ("Kurzanleitung.pdf") . It shows how to make a first collage in just a few minutes with just 10 short steps. This quick guide is deliberately reduced to a DIN A4 sheet, so you can easily print them and put them on your computer.

However, the program is so uncomplicated that you dont need any instructions. At the latest after the second collage you want to realize your own ideas.

A few key components we have also deposited in the Help area. In particular, the effects and their operations are described again and backed by examples.

In the media library, you can also see a small film to work with the Picture Designer. It  demonstrates the first steps and shows how easy it can be.